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This function retrieves a list of countries where a specified currency is used. The function is case-insensitive and matches the currency name or part of the name. The output is ordered alphabetically by country name.





A character string representing the currency name or part of the name. The input is case-insensitive.


A data frame containing the list of countries that use the specified currency, ordered alphabetically by country name. The columns include country codes (CCA2 and CCA3), common name, capital, continents, currency name, currency symbol, latitude, and longitude.


The function utilizes the pre-loaded restcountries_data dataset. Ensure that this dataset is loaded before invoking the function. The function uses a case-insensitive regular expression to match the currency name, allowing partial matches.


# \donttest{
# Example usage: Find all countries that use the Euro
euro_countries <- get_countries_by_currency("Euro")
#> # A tibble: 36 × 10
#>    cca2  cca3  common_name           capital continents currencies currency_name
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>                 <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        
#>  1 AD    AND   Andorra               Andorr… Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  2 AT    AUT   Austria               Vienna  Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  3 BE    BEL   Belgium               Brusse… Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  4 HR    HRV   Croatia               Zagreb  Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  5 CY    CYP   Cyprus                Nicosia Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  6 EE    EST   Estonia               Tallinn Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  7 FI    FIN   Finland               Helsin… Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  8 FR    FRA   France                Paris   Europe     Euro €     Euro         
#>  9 GF    GUF   French Guiana         Cayenne South Ame… Euro €     Euro         
#> 10 TF    ATF   French Southern and … Port-a… Antarctica Euro €     Euro         
#> # ℹ 26 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: currency_symbol <chr>, lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>

# Example usage: Find all countries that use a currency with "dollar" in its name
dollar_countries <- get_countries_by_currency("dollar")
#> # A tibble: 58 × 10
#>    cca2  cca3  common_name           capital continents currencies currency_name
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>                 <chr>   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>        
#>  1 AS    ASM   American Samoa        Pago P… Oceania    United St… United State…
#>  2 AI    AIA   Anguilla              The Va… North Ame… Eastern C… Eastern Cari…
#>  3 AG    ATG   Antigua and Barbuda   Saint … North Ame… Eastern C… Eastern Cari…
#>  4 AU    AUS   Australia             Canber… Oceania    Australia… Australian d…
#>  5 BS    BHS   Bahamas               Nassau  North Ame… Bahamian … Bahamian dol…
#>  6 BB    BRB   Barbados              Bridge… North Ame… Barbadian… Barbadian do…
#>  7 BZ    BLZ   Belize                Belmop… North Ame… Belize do… Belize dollar
#>  8 BM    BMU   Bermuda               Hamilt… North Ame… Bermudian… Bermudian do…
#>  9 IO    IOT   British Indian Ocean… Diego … Asia       United St… United State…
#> 10 VG    VGB   British Virgin Islan… Road T… North Ame… United St… United State…
#> # ℹ 48 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: currency_symbol <chr>, lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>

# Example usage: Find all countries that use the Yen
yen_countries <- get_countries_by_currency("Yen")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 10
#>   cca2  cca3  common_name capital continents currencies     currency_name
#>   <chr> <chr> <chr>       <chr>   <chr>      <chr>          <chr>        
#> 1 JP    JPN   Japan       Tokyo   Asia       Japanese yen ¥ Japanese yen 
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: currency_symbol <chr>, lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>
# }