A dataset containing tidied information about countries from the Restcountries API.
A data frame with several rows and the following columns:
- tld
Top-level domain(s) associated with the country.
- common_name
Common name of the country.
- official_name
Official name of the country.
- cca2
Country code (2-letter).
- cca3
Country code (3-letter).
- fifa
FIFA code of the country.
- independent
Independence status (TRUE/FALSE).
- status
Country status (e.g., officially assigned).
- un_member
Whether the country is a UN member (TRUE/FALSE).
- region
Geographic region.
- subregion
- population
Population of the country.
- capital
Capital city of the country.
- capital_lat
Latitude of the capital city.
- capital_lon
Longitude of the capital city.
- continents
Continent(s) the country is part of.
- lat
Latitude of the country.
- lon
Longitude of the country.
- landlocked
Whether the country is landlocked (TRUE/FALSE).
- borders
Countries that share a border.
- area
Total area of the country in square kilometers.
- start_of_week
Day the week starts (e.g., Monday).
- timezones
Timezones applicable to the country.
- root
Root of the country calling code.
- suffixes
Suffixes of the country calling code.
- car_side
Which side of the road cars drive on.
- googlemaps
Google Maps link for the country.
- openstreetmaps
OpenStreetMap link for the country.
- flags_png
URL to PNG image of the country flag.
- flags_svg
URL to SVG image of the country flag.
- flags_alt
Alternative text for the country flag.
- currencies
Currencies used in the country.
- languages
Languages spoken in the country.
- currency_name
Name of the primary currency used.
- currency_symbol
Symbol of the primary currency used.
- calling_code
Calling code(s) associated with the country.
This dataset includes a variety of country-level data such as country codes, names, capitals, regions, subregions, continents, currencies, population, geographic coordinates, languages, and more.
# Load the dataset and view the first few rows
#> # A tibble: 6 × 36
#> tld common_name official_name cca2 cca3 fifa independent status un_member
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 .aw Aruba Aruba AW ABW "ARU" FALSE offic… FALSE
#> 2 .af Afghanistan Islamic Repu… AF AFG "AFG" TRUE offic… TRUE
#> 3 .ao Angola Republic of … AO AGO "ANG" TRUE offic… TRUE
#> 4 .ai Anguilla Anguilla AI AIA "AIA" FALSE offic… FALSE
#> 5 .ax Åland Isla… Åland Islands AX ALA "" FALSE offic… FALSE
#> 6 .al Albania Republic of … AL ALB "ALB" TRUE offic… TRUE
#> # ℹ 27 more variables: region <chr>, subregion <chr>, population <int>,
#> # capital <chr>, capital_lat <dbl>, capital_lon <dbl>, continents <chr>,
#> # lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>, landlocked <lgl>, borders <list>, area <dbl>,
#> # start_of_week <chr>, timezones <chr>, root <chr>, suffixes <chr>,
#> # car_side <chr>, googlemaps <chr>, openstreetmaps <chr>, flags_png <chr>,
#> # flags_svg <chr>, flags_alt <chr>, currencies <chr>, languages <chr>,
#> # currency_name <chr>, currency_symbol <chr>, calling_code <chr>